Rattan Furniture Trend

Over the past couple of years, we’ve been seeing Boho Chic Rattan Furniture everywhere. Buying new furniture to keep up with the latest trends can get costly. I recently needed to buy a new TV console. Upon searching, I found most pieces with Rattan costing $1500 and higher.

I figured I can easily replicate the same look for a lot less by purchasing an Ikea BESTÅ TV console. Ikea gives you many options to customize the console. There are also vendors on Etsy that specialize in customizing Ikea furniture, but if you have a little bit of spare time and creativity, you can easily DIY and save a lot of money.

I purchased a console with glass doors because I wanted the Rattan to be visible from inside the glass. Next, I searched for the best deals on Rattan. Amazon sells Rattan per feet but it’s a bit pricey. I found that Etsy has the best deals as the vendors sell it straight from Vietnam. I was able to get my order within 2 weeks. I spent a total of $40 including shipping for a 4 foot long and 20 inch wide Rattan piece.

To put the Rattan inside the glass doors I simply measured and cut the Rattan piece to fit the door. I unscrewed the doors and used a hot glue gun to glue the piece of Rattan. I recommend placing heavy books on the corners of Rattan pieces that you glued onto the furniture to let the Rattan set with the furniture. Once the glue is dry you can screw the doors back onto the console. If you want the glue to be more sturdy, E6000 can also be used for the project.

The end result was a much more trendy and chic tv console. The best part was that it was completed within a few hours for less than $50. Let me know if you enjoyed this simple DIY.


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Ramadan Decor