Ramadan Decor

Living in the west, it is difficult to experience the Ramadan spirit that you normally see in Muslim countries. Besides fasting and praying, I think it’s also really important to make the month of Ramadan a celebration. Since I have a toddler in the house, I wanted to decorate the house to help her understand the importance of Ramadan. I plan on doing this every year inshallah. My goal is to get my daughter involved in the decorating process as she gets older so she looks forward to the month of Ramadan.
I wanted to create a Musallah (Mini Masjid). There are many ways you can create this. I was able to use a playhouse from Target which came as a hollow structure. I purchased a custom wooden sign from Etsy. I decorated it with lights and a eucalyptus garland.
I also wanted to have a little Ramadan tree. I purchased a pre-lit eucalyptus tree from Amazon. I bought star shaped ornaments and made my daughter put them up on the tree.
On the entryway table I set up a Ramadan day counter. My daughter enjoyed changing the number everyday. Its also a good way for toddlers to learn their numbers :)
Overall, the project was a success. The best part is that most of the items can be repurposed and reused again. I hope you enjoyed my Ramdan decorations and wish you and your family a safe and happy Ramadan.